Jindrich "Henry" Gref
Wow! Where do I start with Henry? He is faster than most anyone on the track and is 74 years old. The picture of him with me in my house is the night before he turned 74, the same days as the Post Vintage AHRMA races at Rio Bravo in November, 2015. Henry has more wins at the Pontiac, Michigan superdome than anyone, that's right, more than McGrath and more than Hannah. Henry rebuilds about 20 to 30 CZ engines every year and keeps most of the AHRMA crowd racing with his services and parts. He spends several months each year in Europe and still manages to win several expert AHRMA classes, annually. In the second picture he is with his friend Bob from Europe, we were all eating dinner after the Reddick, FL race in 2015. I should record his life story, it is so very, very interesting! Most people don't realize that Henry was Marty Moates' factory Ossa mechanic. There are some many things about Henry that it would take a year to write his story. I am so fortunate to have him as my friend. His son Jay is super fast, as well.
*****Update September 2018*****
I traveled to Pacov, Czech Republic to watch Henry race in the ECMOdesNations Race. Henry was Captain of the Czech Republic MX team. Look at the pictures and videos below to see how many people race in the ECMO classes. There were so many entries in the 50+ class that Alan Poindexter (A friend of Henry's from the US who raced) had to start from the second row. There is only one gate drop, but the class had more entries than positions on the gate, so some started behind the others. Henry led the 72+ class (he is 77) for several laps and finished 3rd in the first moto. He was riding better than I have ever seen him ride. You can see in the video below, there were 29 entries in the 72+ class. Henry is shown in second place in the video, he eventually passed the leader and he led the race for several laps. His Czech team won the overall at the Event. His pit was full of friends, legends (Jaroslav Falta, Velky, and Henry himself) all weekend long. I rode from Milan, Italy on a 13 year old Kawasaki that I purchased in Italy to watch Henry. I had 2" of water in my boots from the rain by the time that I arrived at the track. It was a wonderful weekkend and 1200 mile trip through Italy, Austria, Czech Republic and Germany to see my friend Henry. As I always say "Everyone loves Henry". I originally said that in the US, but I have seen that it is a global love for Henry. His whole family arrived for the race, and many, many friends. One of my bucket list items is to be on the starting gate at 70 years of age.
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Saturday Night at my house with Henry
His friend Bob from Europe.