Boyd Engineering Ossa
True "Barn Find". Came from a barn in Louisiana. This is a Boyd Engineering frame, as in Boyd & Stellings frames. Boyd was the Engineer, as I understand it, and Stelling was the Marketing partner. Adjustable steering stem, and aluminum swing arm. Talk about rare, how about "Double Rare"? This is an Ossa Stiletto 125 engine in the frame. Ossa made an optional 125 engine in 1971 for the 250 Stiletto. Only 3 of them are known to still be in existence. This is 1 of them. I have 1 more (2 of the 3 known) to put in a Stiletto frame. Alex Snoop figured out what the engine was from the serial number. He knew of only 1 of these before this one turned up. He is rebuilding this engine while the frame is being restored. Alex had the original dimensions for the expansion chamber for a 125 Ossa Stiletto and Kevin at Circle F pipes made one for me.