1971 250 Stiletto - 5 speed model. It came with a title. I traced back the ownership on the bike....here is an email from the oriiginal owner. "Hi John Hope you enjoy the bike as I did in my youth. I bought the bike in Temple city California. (995.00 + tax) I road and raced the bike in California, Mexico and Nevada until 1975. No engine problems, just rings and pistons never split the cases or clutch when I owned her. Bought a Husky in 1975 and gave the Ossa to a friend of mines son. The bike was passed around and I lost track of Her. Tires spokes and a few rims were the only things i had to replace. I saw a picture of the bike and it looked pretty good someone must have replaced the fiber glass I put a few holes in that and repaired it but it looks new in the pictures. If you were wondering I still go to the desert and the mountains with the same friends and their kids that i use to race with. A LOT SLOWER AND WE RIDE JAP BIKES NOW. HOPE YOU RIDE HER, SHE NEVER BROKE DOWN IN A RACE HAVE FUN HANK"